IMEK Research Center in Marketing & Development welcomes 2022, acknowledging with satisfaction our progress in addressing issues related to Health, Education and Gender in the Global South. The year 2021 was the first of operation of IMEK as a start-up with a social purpose.
The following achievements were attained in 2021:
- Constitution: IMEK Research Center in Marketing & Development was legally registered as a non-profit organization (NPO), specifically as a Foundation, and a core team was assembled to support in administrative procedures. The Foundation’s brand and identity were developed in parallel.
- Institutional strengthening: A collaborative process began with the Gómez-Pinzón law firm through the ProBono Foundation on intellectual and corporate property issues. This legal support facilitated the development of individual and organizational volunteer agreement models, a trademark background study, and the development of a data processing authorization policy. A corporate governance manual is still being prepared.
In addition, IMEK began the AFLORA Program with the Bolivar-Davivienda Foundation in collaboration with the Cali Chamber of Commerce, an initiative focused on strengthening Colombian social organizations towards sustainability. This collaboration facilitated the development of an organizational self-diagnosis, the results of which defined a virtual learning path for the Foundation’s staff. The guidance included training in organizational strategy, ethics and transparency, social marketing, human management and accountability.
- Research: Ending 2021, applications to three (3) international research grants were submitted in collaboration with 13 national and international institutions. Dialogues for a research consultancy with a Colombian university began, and various academic manuscripts were advanced, some of which are still in the process of peer review, or are close to the publication phase.
- Training: No training activities were implemented in 2021 as actions aimed at institutional and research strengthening were prioritized.
- Knowledge exchange: IMEK participates in two Swiss research collaboration networks. One is GENDRO, a Geneva-based Non-Governmental Organization whose mission is to improve gender equity and advance gender equality through research and scientific evidence. The second is the Non-Communicable Diseases [NCD] Research Group of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva.
To access the full 2021 Annual Report, in Spanish, go to the following link:
Some plans for the year 2022
In order for IMEK to achieve its projected results in the three areas of action (research, training and knowledge exchange), this year we intend to:
- Continue with the AFLORA program.
- Prepare the strategic plan to facilitate growth.
- Develop a communication & marketing plan.
- Advance the individual fundraising plan.
- Redesign the website and enable it to receive donations.
- Submit the trademark registration application.
- Provide continuity to collaborative research projects.
- Start executing consulting projects according to market opportunities.
- Identify opportunities to apply for international grants.
- Continue the collaboration with the Gómez-Pinzón firm and the ProBono Foundation.