In response to the call put out by the Cali Chamber of Commerce to all non-profit organizations (NPO) interested in joining the AFLORA Program (see here) of the Bolivar-Davivienda Foundation, in 2021 IMEK Research Center in Marketing & Development decided to apply and our Foundation was selected. We are grateful to have been granted this opportunity.
The purpose of the AFLORA Program is to provide support and virtual training to organizations with a social purpose, that seek to strengthen their internal processes to achieve the objectives of the causes they lead. There are currently more than 1,700 organizations registered and active in this Program. The organizations receive support to generate strategies to carry out their social purpose and be sustainable.
After registering to the AFLORA Program, an initial process of self-diagnosis categorized IMEK as a “Take-off” organization, marking the beginning of a training process adapted to the conditions, needs and characteristics of the Foundation. This route includes a series of training modules (more than 22,000 hours) in areas where IMEK Research Center in Marketing & Development could be institutionally strengthened, such as human resources, marketing, organizational strategy, ethics and transparency.
The AFLORA Program has a total of (4) levels, each one strategically built to provide advice according to the specific needs and realities of the organization. To progress in the training and for the growth experience to be successful, each organization must meet the requirements of each level. This to guarantee strengthening the capabilities of the teams and the sustainability of the participating organizations over time. In the end, the appropriation of all the tools of the program will help facilitate the organic and sustainable growth of the participating organizations.
At IMEK we are proud of the fact that the potential of our corporate agenda has been recognized. We hope that by the end of the program our organization will have a much greater impact.
About Bolívar Davivienda Foundation:
The Bolivar-Davivienda Foundation has the objective “to support and promote life-changing and high-impact projects that develop skills in individuals, communities and organizations in order to build a more just, innovative and equitable society” (Taken from
For more information visit:
Author: Caicedo, MJ